The evaluations of our clients

Thanks to the new technologies and our incredible smartphones and mobile devices, today we are just a click away from accessing any part of the intranet and getting to know the opinion about anything or service up close through the comments posted on the network by the users themselves become consumers.

For the future client, this can become a great tool to know the quality of their future purchase, but what if it is a hotel?

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Surely at some time you have been browsing the Internet in search of information about a specific accommodation and thanks to the opinion of other guests your possible doubts have been clarified when making your decision, and even making the process more enjoyable.

From Hotel Kivir we are proud of the comments and opinions openly received by our clients on the web, which shows us that constant work for quality and excellence is highly valued by them. All these reviews help our future visitors to bet on the quality of our hotel.

So, we have started to investigate all these opinions and comments from some of the people who have passed through our facilities, valuing the time dedicated and in order to get to know them a little more closely.

So through different platforms and in order to learn and improve as much as possible, we have collected hundreds of comments, and what has been our pleasant surprise? In the vast majority, all the writings, reviews and scores translate into nice words towards our hotel, especially towards the professionalism of the team and of course, its wonderful location.


Se puede decir que el éxito dentro del sector hotelero se alcanza cuando un altísimo porcentaje de los huéspedes quedan satisfechos y ya no sólo eso, sino que también tengan la necesidad de poder compartir con otros su encantadora experiencia en el hotel.

Esto se traduce en que todo ese esfuerzo diario por parte de cada uno de los miembros que forman Hotel Kivir, da sus frutos, consiguiendo no sólo clientes felices que repiten su experiencia, sino clientes que a su vez comparten su experiencia y nos aconsejan a los demás para que ellos también puedan disfrutar de una estancia idílica como lo hicieron ellos.


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The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Ventajas de reservar en esta web

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Best price guaranteed

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

No handling costs

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Free minibar

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

10% discount at Kivir Skyline

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Se ha recibido un incentivo de la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA, de la Junta de Andalucía, por un importe de 10.653,25 euros, cofinanciado en un 80% por la Unión Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER para la realización del proyecto SISTEMA GESTIÓN EMPRESARIAL AMADORA con el objetivo de GARANTIZAR UN MEJOR USO DE LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN.


The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Advantages of booking on this website

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Best price guaranteed

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

No handling costs

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

Free minibar

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

10% discount at Kivir Skyline

The evaluations of our clients - Hotel Kivir

An incentive of 10,653.25 euros has been received from the Andalusian Agency for Innovation and Development (IDEA), from the Andalusian Regional Government, co-financed at 80% by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the implementation of the AMADORA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project with the aim of ENSURING A BETTER USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES.