contact Hotel Kivir

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Hotel Kivir

Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, 3
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Guest Experience

Hi, I’m Mar. Looking for a unique stay in this beautiful city? I’ll be happy to help you with anything you need.

Mª Mar Morillo

Head of Reception

Contact - Hotel Kivir

Alejandro Rodríguez

Director General Hotel Bécquer y Hotel Kivir

Kivir Hotels

Andrea Martínez

Manager Hotel Kivir and Assistant Manager Hotel Bécquer

kivir hotel

Mª José Chacón

Assistant to the Director

Kivir hotel

Monica Coppola

Group Bookings

Contact - Hotel Kivir

Ramiro Martínez

Quality Manager

Contact - Hotel Kivir

Teresa Cruz


Kivir hotel

Luis Guerrero Gil

Director Comercial & Marketing

Contact - Hotel Kivir

Mª del Mar Morillo

Head of Reception & Guest Experience

Kivir hotel

Miguel Arenas

Restaurant manager

Kivir hotel

Joaquín García

Head of maintenance

Contact - Hotel Kivir

Marta Espada

Communication & Marketing

Contact - Hotel Kivir

Carmen Sánchez

Revenue Assistant